Thursday, March 29, 2012


Making progress on my building.

Having to redo some of it, but getting there. Just... it looks more run down than war torn.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Workflow Advice

I found this nugget of gold on the polycount forum It was posted by Chrisradsby

Remember: Props are much more impressive when put into context, even if they're simple.
I say:
1. Go into and find inspiration and reference for you next scene.
2. Start to plan your scene, decide on what's important: The whole picture or a close quarters scene with lots of detail. (Best worlds is if you can fit both)
3. Plan your textures, write down a list and get down the initial textures you would need for the basic overview of the level. (wooden beams, concrete, metal etc)
3.5 Decide your texture workflow, is it really worth it to Zbrush or have unique textures for smalll props? Is it worth going through all the high-low poly baking? Will you see all that detail?
4. Go modular, tilable textures and modular parts that you can put together in your 3d-modeling software.
5. Create the shaders you need to set everything up.
6. Greybox your environment and some bigger props and add your basic tilable textures to them so that you feel like you're getting somewhere.
7. Post to polycount and get feedback as soon as possible.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Brick Texture

Working on an Art Test, I needed a brick texture, and one better than my previous attempts. Took me a couple tries to get the normals decent result. I used PhillipK's tut as a roadmap.

Going to use it as a base for a damaged version to use for vertex blending.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I lost control of where my scene was heading because of the advice I was being given. It was good-GREAT advice, but I couldn't get the scene to come together without redoing nearly all the pieces, and then it wouldn't of really made sense.

This is a low poly blockout/guide of what I am planning. I don't have all the pipes and ceiling tiles placed, but it should be enough to get me going.

I am looking for a Mod to join, again... The last 3... well, anyway. I applied to one and they will be giving me an art test, I guess we will see. At least taking an art test seems more professionally done.

Still unemployed...